Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Consume wcf service with wsHttpBinding using PHP Soap Client

Recently I wrote blog post on accessing wcf using php. But that was with basicHttpBinding. Somehow after long research I found how to consume wcf with wsHttpBinding. Follow the codes,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How to move WordPress from local server to live site

Many of us develop wordpress sites using local server in order to speed up the development process. Issue comes with moving website to live host. Even we configured MySql and wp-config.php files correctly we can see some broken links. Here I list down steps you need to host in a live environment.

Step 1 : Configure the Mysql

Log in to cpanel and create a database, add user and assign user to database

Step 2 : Change the wp-config.php file

Step 3 : Upload sql and files to live host

You can upload website files using ftp client or directly using cpanel file manager.

Upload sql

You need to log to phpmyadmin (localhost/phpmyadmin) in your local server and export database to .sql file

Open .sql using text editor and change the following changes according to your database name

Open your live phpmyadmin and import the .sql file

Step 4: Fix links

Run below sql queries according to your domain names

Everything should work now. Happy Wordpressing :)